Registration for recreational activities

Online registration for recreational activities

Unless otherwise specified, registrations can be made online on the Espace Loisir platform, or with the organizations, depending on the activity. You can also consult Espace Loisir to see the list of activities, schedules and detailed information.

This registration system operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to open your Espace Loisir account before registration begins and register as soon as registration opens. This way, you will have a better chance of getting the activity of your choice.


The Accès Saint-Bruno card or the renewal is now mandatory to register to the city’s activities.

Need help to get your Accès Saint-Bruno card ?

  • You can contact the Direction du loisir, de la culture et de la vie communautaire at450 645-2940.
  • You can also use the workstations in the library to register for the Accès Saint-Bruno card. On-site employees will be available to assist you if needed.

Online registration:

  • Residents : starting Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Non-residents : starting Friday, March 21st at 10:00 a.m.
Day camps
  • Residents : starting Wednesday, April 9, 7 p.m.
    Telephone support available from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Non-residents: starting Wednesday, May 7, 10 a.m.

If you don’t have access to a computer, please note that fews are available at the library.

Registration in person (residents only)

Registration at the Direction du loisir, de la culture et de la vie communautaire counter will be possible on March 20 at 10 a.m, only if there are still places available in the classes. Registration for Day Camps starts April 10 at 10 a.m. You must have created your account in Espace Loisir and be registered to the Accès Saint-Bruno card BEFORE coming to the counter. The detailed procedure is available on Espace Loisir.

Waiting list

If the activity is full, you can register on the waiting list at no charge. To do so, you must finalize the transaction by going to the check-out; no payment will be required. The waiting list is processed in the order of registration. If a space becomes available, we will contact you.

Important notes

  • It is impossible to open several sessions simultaneously under the same account. You will be disconnected and your current registrations will be deleted.
  • You will be automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity on the platform. You will have to log back in.
  • Any registration made under false information will be cancelled without refund.

Other terms and conditions

Online payment is made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) via a secure website. Federal and provincial taxes apply to activities for clients 15 years of age and older and are included in the cost of the activity.

Discount for people aged 65 and older 

If you are 65 years of age or older, a 15% discount will automatically apply when you register for a sports, cultural or any leisure activity organized by the City. This discount applies to Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville residents only. It does not apply to admission fees for open sports activities by session or the family subscriptions.


No refund will be issued after the activities have begun, except in the case of a move, an illness (with a medical note) or a scheduling conflict with another activity offered by the Direction du loisir, de la culture et de la vie communautaire (DLCVC), in which case the conflict must occur within the first three weeks of the activity.

A refund may be issued prior to the start of the activity, but the request must be made no later than five (5) working days prior to the start of the activity.

A 15% administration fee (applicable per person, minimum $5.00, maximum $15.00) will be withheld from refunds, except in cases of scheduling conflicts with our activities or cancellation of activities by the City.

Tax credit

Certain physical, artistic, cultural and recreational activities offered by the DLCVC are eligible for a provincial tax credit. Keep your receipts if applicable; they are available at all times in your file on Espace Loisir.

Consult the Revenu Québec website for more details.

Companion Leisure Card (CAL)

The Companion Leisure Card (CAL), formerly known as the Tourist and Leisure Accompaniment Vignette (VATL), allows people aged 5 and over with a physical or intellectual disability or a permanent mental health problem to participate fully and safely in activities sponsored or organized by the City, just like any other citizen. The Companion Leisure Card (CAL) also grants free admission to the accompanying party of a disabled person and is recognized by leisure, cultural and tourist organizations.

To find out which sports and cultural activities are eligible, or to reserve a spot for your accompaniment, please call the Direction du loisir, de la culture et de la vie communautaire at 450 645-2940.

Please also ensure that the activity site is accessible to people in wheelchairs or with reduced mobility by contacting the person in charge of the activity.

For more informations:, 1 833 693-2253



Pre-registration is offered to participants wishing to register for the same activity in the following session, with the exception of swimming lessons for children and day camps. Only residents of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville can take advantage of the pre-registration privilege.

Cancellation of classes

During the session, if a class is cancelled, those registered will be notified by email. Be sure to check regularly. If a class is postponed, no refund or credit note will be given.

Modifications to activities

We reserve the right to cancel or modify program activities. This may include, for example, a change of specialist. An insufficient number of participants or any other fortuitous event may also cause an activity to be cancelled or result in changes to the schedule, rates, etc.

Non-resident registration*

Priority is given to residents of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville. However, if spaces are available, non-residents can register starting March 20 at 1:30 pm. The following additional fees apply:

  • Cost of activity $0 to $50, extra fee of 100%
  • Cost of activity $51 to $75, extra fee of 75%
  • Cost of activity $76 to $100, extra fee of 50%
  • Cost of activity $101 and over, extra fee of 25%

* Anyone not residing in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville.
** These additional fees for non-residents do not apply to single activities (e.g. trip to the museum).


We invite you to protect yourself by purchasing a personal insurance policy. We have only public liability insurance that does not cover injuries sustained by the participant while practicing recreational activities and sports.

Contact us

Direction du loisir, de la culture et de la vie communautaire, 450 645-2940

Also see the frequently asked questions.

Contact information of the activity sites

See the list

Any changes to the programming will be indicated on our website, on the activities pages at