Interdiction de stationner de nuit dans les rues de 2 h à 7 h

Aucune tolérance n’est accordée pendant le déneigement. 

English Section

This content is intended for the public covered by the exceptions of the Charter of the French language and its regulations. If you read on, you confirm that you fall within one of these exceptions.

Using the translation tools in your web browser

To quickly translate any text, hover your mouse over the desired section and right-click. This method allows you to translate any page on our website.

Alternatively, you can use Google Translate or the built-in translation tools in your browser by following the instructions below.

  1. Go directly to Google Translate from your web browser.
  2. Choose the language of the web page you wish to translate, then select the target language. Enter the URL of the web page in the left box. On the right, the same URL will appear with a link icon. Simply click the icon.
  3. A new tab will open displaying the web page translated into your selected language. If you need to adjust the original or target language, you can easily do so using the dropdown menus at the top of the page.